2022 Bodie Foundation Calendar Contest Rules

(updated 9-25-2020)

Please see HOW TO SUBMIT PHOTOS section
32Mb maximum file size

  • Submit images through “add media” in the Media Library (same as 2021).
  • jpg (jpeg) images only. Maximum quality (quality=12). NO TIFF format images (sorry). Maximum file size is 32 Mb. Images from most cell phones are not of sufficient quality.
  • Anyone may enter the contest. Entrants do not have to be members of the Bodie Foundation.
  • NEW FOR 2022: The author of the calendar cover photo will receive $300 and authors of inside photos will each receive $100. Submissions will be credited in the Bodie Foundation Calendar and winners will receive complimentary copies of the calendar.
  • You may submit no more than five (5) entries, but each photographer is limited to one winning entry.
  • Entries must be photographs of, and pertain to Bodie State Historic Park.
  • Entries are by digital submission only at  bodiecalendarcontest.com (this site). Entrants must be properly registered with the calendar contest website and entries must be properly submitted in the contest website.
  • Images must be horizontal and have a minimum size and resolution of  14 inches (W) x 10.5 inches (H) at 300 pixels per inch. Please do not upsample images!
  • Images should be in Adobe RGB 1998 color space. Photographer’s name and contact information should be included in the IPTC information, if possible.
  • PLEASE name submissions (filename) in the following format: your last name-subject.jpg. (ie: jones-bodie mill 1.jpg). Try to keep filenames to about 20 characters, plus the jpg suffix. This makes it easier for us to manage files.
  • Images with identifiable people and/or images that do not meet technical quality standards will not be considered.
  • Winning entries will be used in the 2022 Bodie Foundation calendar and may be used on Bodie Foundation websites and/or in the Bodie Times newsletters and/or in other Bodie Foundation related media or websites.
  • Non-winning entries may also be used on Bodie Foundation websites and media and/or in the Bodie Times.
  • Images must be received by February 6, 2022 and be properly submitted on the calendar contest website, www.bodiecalendarcontest.com (this website), to be considered for the contest.
  • Please use the CONTACT US form at the bottom of the page to contact us if you have a problem with your submission or entry question. Our direct email address is: contesthelp@bodiecalendarcontest.com. Always include your full real name and your contest user name when contacting us.

Conditions of Entry

Entrant agrees and asserts he/she is owner of the image copyright and has full usage rights, and agrees to follow the official rules.

Entrant agrees that if their image(s) is (are) selected for use in the calendar, other publication(s) and/or website(s), he or she automatically assigns limited publication rights to the Bodie Foundation.

Calendar Winners Selection

All entries will be reviewed and winners selected by the Bodie Foundation Board of Trustees and other judges. The judges’ decisions are final. The winning photographers will be notified by telephone and/or e-mail.