2026 Calendar Contest-home page


Thank you to all who entered!

Previously registered users may continue to use their existing user credentials. New users must register.

Contest rules remain unchanged from the 2025 calendar!

The author of the calendar cover photo will receive $300 and authors of inside photos will each receive $100. Submissions will be credited in the Bodie Foundation Calendar and winners will receive complimentary copies of the calendar.

If you have problems or questions about using the site, please use the CONTACT US form at the bottom of this page.

Thank you for supporting Bodie!

  • Images must be horizontal and have a minimum size and resolution of  14 inches (W) x 10.5 inches (H) at 300 pixels per inch. Please do not upsample images!
  •  Images should be in Adobe RGB 1998 color space!  Images must be in jpeg (jpg) format!
  •  Images must be received by February 2, 2025 and be properly submitted on the calendar contest website, www.bodiecalendarcontest.com (this website), to be considered for the contest.
  • Maximum of five (5) entries per person.
  • Full contest rules are HERE.